Investment in digital advertising will reach 49% of the global total in 2021

The unexpected prominence that internet advertising has gained will drive a growth of 4.7% in total investment in global advertising during 2019, according to the advertising investment forecasts published by Zenith. This data is substantially higher than the 4.0% forecast made in the previous edition of the report published last December 2018. Zenith forecasts growth of 4.6% in both 2020 and 2021. Beyond the data previously offered by 4.2% and 4.1%, respectively. Zenith has raised forecasts after online advertising spend significantly exceeded its expectations in 2018. It now estimates that online advertising grew by 16% last year. Higher than the forecast of 12%. In dollar terms. They have increased the estimate of total internet advertising spending in 2018 from $231 billion to $246 billion.

More rapid evolution

This leads them to assume in the coming years, with an average growth of 10% annually until 2021. Above their previous forecast of 9%. Thus, internet advertising is Cambodia Email List expected to reach $329 billion in 2021, and will represent 49% of all global advertising investment, 2% more than the 47% forecast in December. This growth is being driven by the synergy of “online video” and “social media” channels. Which are expected to grow 19% and 14% per year until 2021, respectively. For its part, display advertising as a whole. Which includes videos and social, as well as banners, will grow by 13% per year, while paid search and classifieds will lag behind, with an average of 7% per year.

Email Data

The United States leads global growth

The greatest variations in internet growth estimates have been made in the US, Russia and France. Overall growth forecasts for 2019 have been increased India Phone Number List from 2.9% to 5.0% in the US, from 7.1% to 8.2% in Russia and from 3.7% to 4.7% in France. The US accounts for 37% of all global ad spend. So any update to that figure has a big impact on the global total. The US is expected to be by far the largest contributor to global investment growth between 2018 and 2021, adding $32 billion to the market. China will occupy second place, adding 16 billion, and India will occupy third position, adding 5 billion. Small companies target specific targets, while digital challengers focus on dissemination and frequency.

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