Digital challenger brands in synergy with offline media

Digital challenger the most disruptive brands in the digital environment do not base their advertising activity solely on this channel, establishing themselves as prominent advertisers in offline media. Especially on television and outdoor. The contribution of these digital native brands is helping to bolster global television advertising spending. Which remains stable despite rapid declines in television viewing data in key markets such as the United States and China. Zenith predicts that television advertising will grow 0.7% annually through 2021. This includes only traditional and linear television. Outdoor advertising is the fastest growing conventional medium in economic terms: it is expected to grow by $4.4 billion between 2018 and 2021, above the figure of $3.7 billion for television.

Exterior” is still benefiting

From the increase in digital screens, but also from the emergence of programmatic trading, allowing agencies to make more efficient and effective data-driven Canada Email List transactions. Print advertising continues to decline. Investment in magazines will be reduced by 5 billion dollars between 2018 and 2021, and in the press the same figure will be 6.3 billion. Between 2013 and 2018, the synergy of both global advertising investments decreased from 24% to 13%, and is expected to fall further to 9% in 2021. Again, these figures only include offline press advertising.

Email Data

Internet advertising will exceed a quarter

Trillion dollars for the first time this year. Barnard, Head of Forecasting and Director of Global Intelligence at Zenith. «The speed of growth Indonesia Phone Number List in advertising investment on the Internet continues to surprise us. “Small businesses and digital challengers are causing established brands to up their game.” “Brands with more than one niche market still need continuous advertising at scale to acquire new customers,” says Ben Lukawski. Global Head of Strategy at Zenith. “As more communication occurs online. The challenge for brands is to achieve differential positioning through frequent short-term exposure, rather than the long-term one-off exposures more common to traditional media.”

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