Advertising investment by pharmaceutical laboratories increases 1% in 2018

Nowadays, more and more companies are turning to advertising . Therefore ,  to make their products or brand visible and thus generate interest among the population. Among them are pharmaceutical laboratories that . Therefore , like other companies, thus seek to make their services and brands known to patients and the general population. With the objective of knowing the advertising investments of the . Therefore ,  pharmaceutical sector in the general media, the Arce Media-Berbés study was carried out by the research company Arce Media for the communication agency Berbés. According to the results obtained, advertising by pharmaceutical . Therefore ,  laboratories has increased by 1% during 2018 compared to the previous year, since during this past year conventional advertising by laboratories reached 144 million euros, compared to 142 million euros. 2017.

The general growth

Advertising investment this year compared to 2017 is 1%. During the years 2008-2018, general advertising investment has gone from 6,517 million euros in 2008 to 4,557 million New Zealand Telegram Number Data in 2018 and, in turn, the pharmaceutical sector . Therefore ,  has gone from 113 million euros in 2008 to 144 million last year , which represents a growth of 27% in these years. Reckitt Benckiser was the company that invested the most in 2018, with almost 20 million , almost double that of the second laboratory in the ranking Generally, the first months of the year are preferred by the pharmaceutical sector for advertising.

Telegram Number Data

The highest and lowest investment

Especially the month of January 2018 was the best month of the entire year with an investment of 22.9 million euros compared to 8 .6 million that they invested in Philippines Telegram Number September (the month with the least advertising activity). The company that made the . Therefore ,  highest advertising investment in 2018 was Reckitt Benckiser, with almost 20 million, which is almost double . Therefore ,  the investment of the second laboratory in the ranking. Completing the podium . Therefore ,  are Johnson & Johnson (with 11.6 million) and Glaxo Smithkline (with more than 10 million euros invested). They are followed by Boehringer Ingelheim and Bayer Laboratories. On this occasion, the largest percentage variations in investment . Therefore ,  compared to 2017 are led by Sanofi, followed by Procter & Gamble, Pfizer, Synformulas and Omega Pharma.

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