SEO optimization basics lazy package!

SEO optimization basics The full name of SEO is “Search Engine Optimization”. The full name of SEO in Chinese is “Search Engine Optimization”, also known as “Search Engine Optimization”.

The purpose of performing SEO

Is to allow your website to be discover by search engines faster and obtain a higher ranking in the search results, which can increase the chance of attracting accurate potential customers.

The higher the ranking, the more exposure you can get and the more opportunities you have to get more natural traffic.

(2) Beginners must learn! 3 common important names for SEO optimization
In the previous paragraph, we learn about SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and then we will take you to further understand three important terms that are often encounter when performing SEO optimization. Being familiar with these terms can help you better understand SEO marketing.

Search Engine

Search engines refer to tools like Google, Bing, Yahoo!, etc. that help users find information on the Internet.

Crawl and index information on the Internet through crawlers, and provide the most relevant answers bas on the keywords search by users.

The core goal of SEO is to make the website stand out in the results of these search engines, obtain a higher ranking, and thereby increase brand visibility!

Search Results Page

The search results page refers to the screen provid and display by the search engine after the user enters the keyword and submits.

This page usually includes paid advertisements, natural search results, videos, pictures, news and other content forms.

The job of SEO is to get the website to a higher or even first ranking position on this results page, increasing click-through rates and exposure.

Now Google SGE (Google AI Overviews ) has also been launch in Europe and the Unit States, using generative AI technology to integrate various results and provide summaries.

Search Intent

Search intent refers to the purpose or ne behind a user entering a keyword.

Understanding the user’s search intent is a very important key to SEO, because only when the website content can meet the user’s nes, will it have a chance to obtain better rankings in the search results.

When you are not sure about the search intention behind the keyword, it is recommend that you enter the keyword into the search engine first, and the search results will tell you what answers most users are currently looking for!

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 What are the advantages

Of SEO marketing? 3 major benefits that SEO optimization can bring!
The “quality” of traffic brought by SEO is very valuable. If SEO optimization is properly implement, it will bring the following three major benefits:

Improve rankings and obtain long-term and stable natural traffic : When a website is successfully rank on the homepage through SEO, it will bring long-term and stable natural traffic to the brand, and the natural ranking search results will not be affect by any monetary payment, just like the same A fair and just competition.
Accurate audience and high search intent : Due to the influence of the algorithm, most of the users from organic searches are people who are truly interest in products or information.

The brand gets

a lot of exposure and increases the chance of conversion : because it attracts highly relevant potential customers, once the number increases, the chance of achieving the conversion goal will also increase.
A brand new website with no traffic is like an isolat island in the ocean. Even if there are sufficient resources and everything you ne, but no one knows about it, it is as if it does not exist. Therefore, SEO is the magic weapon to open up the website’s external links and contacts.

(4) Who is suitable for SEO?

Any industry that wants to increase the traffic pool and exposure of its marketing funnel nes it!

Whether it is a B2C e-commerce or a B2B enterprise, as long as it requires network traffic, it is very suitable for SEO.

The main reason is that most people now use search engines to find manufacturer information and information. If you have successfully rank on the Google homepage and provid high-quality marketing list content and a good user experience, you will be able to more accurately recruit potential audiences and improve conversions. rate, rather than just letting traffic stagnate at the pit stop.

Compar with the use of social mia, news mia and other online mia, the proportion is much higher. Therefore, the implementation of search engine optimization (SEO) is so important and popular. It can be said that it is due to the trend of the general environment.

SEO optimization reason 2: Unable to obtain advantages of low code tools natural traffic and lose potential business opportunities
If you have spent time and energy setting up a website , but do not manage and operate it properly, traffic will not come in by itself.

According to statistics from the well-known Ahrefs third-party SEO tool, more than 90% of web pages in this vast online world have never receiv any traffic through search engines.


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