How some top brands are using the Facebook platform well. While no longer a one-off effort, many brands are already using Facebook for customer communities, word of mouth marketing, and are starting to integrate it with their own corporate website. At the end of July, I’ll be publishing our findings, as well as grading some of the world’s top brands on their Facebook efforts. We’ll be conducting a heuristic evaluation (acting like actual customers) and rate and rank these efforts with a variety of diagnostics. After we publish this independent Altimeter research study in late July.
I’ll be sharing the findings
On a webinar sponsored by LiveWorld, where I’ll discuss what we found in the study. Sign up for the webinar to learn more about the success criteria, the research findings, and to join in on the discussion. Now back to you, what criteria to you deem as key for brands to use in Facebook? I’ll kick off with a few: Enable social features. Some brands Romania WhatsApp Number List have disabled the ability to have discussions or post information. Encourage efforts that spread the experience to friends. Many brands are just talking directly to their members, but don’t explicitly enable the community to pass it on to others.
Engage in a dialog
The social web is about behaving in a way that consumers already are, and this means brands should also participate in the existing conversation. 4) While we have a list of over 10, we’d love to hear from you. Update: The submissions Russia Phone Number List are pouring in, to date, we’ve included, Vendor Contributors such as: 360i, AKQA, Awareness Networks, The Community RoundTable, Context Optional, Digital Evolution Group, Edelman Digital, Facebook, Horn Group, Janrain, Inside Facebook, Kickapps, Gigya, Lithium, LiveWorld, Ogilvy’s 360° Digital Influence, Razorfish, RockYou, SHIFT Communications, Spredfast, StepChange a Powered Company, Vitrue and Wildfire Interactive.