7 Key Points of CTA Button Design to Improve Conversions

Have you put in a lot of effort to write high-quality product copy , but your sales conversions are always not as good as expect?

Implementing M newsletter marketing in hopes of improving customer stickiness and brand recognition, but don’t know why you always feel like you’re doing nothing?

In the marketing funnel

if you want to attract the audience to complete whether it is a click or a sales conversion, attractive copywriting is important, but if there is a lack of push or hint, the audience will be at a loss after reading the copy and leave the website. Or page, so you are always working hard on copywriting, have you neglect the importance of CTA?

The following will introduce in detail what CTA is and tell you CTA marketing techniques bas on consumer psychology.

(1) What does CTA mean? Introduction to the 5 major CTA purposes

The full name of CTA is Call to Action. Call means to call, and to means to make someone do something. It is pair with Action. Therefore, CTA in Chinese is most often call a call to action, and some people on the Internet also call it action. To evoke or call to action, and its detail definition is as follows:

Guide website movement : A good CTA setting can effectively guide the audience to the next step. On the one hand, it allows the audience to focus more on the content when browsing. On the other hand, it can also prevent users from getting lost in the movement after entering the site. The direction couldn’t find the point and left.

Improve click-through rates

In addition to attracting audience clicks on CTA buttons or hyperlinks, the click data obtain can also be us to track and analyze audience behavior.
Improve conversion rate : CTA plays a suggestive role in consumer psychology. Through obvious text design, it can prompt the audience to make a purchase or other conversion behavior, which is more effective in motivating the audience to take action than without CTA.
The importance of internal links in SEO : Links set by CTA are also a type of internal links. While guiding the movement of the website, they can also make search engines crawl faster, thereby accelerating the understanding of the full picture of the website.

Strengthen content marketing

As a guide, CTA can not only improve the user experience, but also increase the chance of increasing the audience’s stay time . Therefore, when the website has good content, coupl with the assistance of CTA, the audience can get more of your content. High-quality content, thereby improving brand image.
5 major CTA purposes:

(2) CTA usage scenarios: B2B, B2C and other common scenarios

After understanding what CTA is, many people will ask, “In what situations can CTA be us?”

In fact, CTA can be seen on both physical and digital signage, but the general discussion on the Internet is still mainly about button-type CTA in digital marketing. If we take the physical signage as an example, the common physical signage on the road There are “walk 10 meters forward” or “enjoy 10% off purchases in the store”, which are actually a type of CTA.

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The mia and platforms where CTA is often plac are as follows

Blog : Common CTAs include “further reading”, “see more”, etc.
Web pages : Set different CTAs bas on different web pages, such as event pages, image official websites, sales websites, etc.
M newsletter : Setting CTA on M is usually us to guide the audience to the official website or event page.
Social mia : When writing a post, you can put CTA in the marketing list front and back of the copy to encourage the audience to click.
Online advertising : Whether it is Google advertising , FB advertising , etc., you can set up CTA to encourage the audience to sign up for events, purchase or click.
Various digital mia : advertising boards in elevators, library search machines, etc. can all be set up with CTA to guide the audience to take the next action.
Physical signboards and DM : signboards on the road to guide directions, promotional signboards in convenience stores, etc.
If the e-commerce model is us as a distinction, the following will introduce two common scenarios:

The audience is enterprises

or brands whose main business is to provide services, such as SEO service providers , website design companies, etc. The purpose of marketing is to hope that the audience can understand the professionalism and necessity of their field.

Common CTA usage scenarios include M electronic newspaper first take analysis facebook’s crusade marketing, white paper distribution, Webinar , and using LINE communities to manage private domain traffic, etc. The CTA terms that are often set are as follows:

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The audience is end consumers

The main business is to provide actual products, such as e-commerce . The purpose of marketing is to hope that the audience will take purchasing action or guide the execution of certain behaviors.

A common CTA usage situation is to place CTA in advertisements, product pages or web page Pop-Up windows. The CTA terms that are often set are as follows.

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