Detailed explanation of the custom data function

At SleekFlow, we focus on “people,” our connections —who they are, where they’re from, what they like, etc. In addition to automating complex workflows through Flow Builder, we also understand that you ne to introduce more non-personal data into your CRM system and manage this data in a sustainable and scalable way.

To help you capture a wide range of customer data more effectively, we creat custom profiles that allow you to advancly track what your customers purchas, what plans they subscrib to, who they belong to, what activities they have schul, and more, and leverage This valuable data creates rich, contextual and personaliz chat experiences.

What is custom data?

Custom data represents every important data about your contacts. This data can be their purchase records, event schules, inquiry requests, events they belong to, or anything they have interact with. For example, if you work for an ucation technology company, the custom data could be the courses students are enroll in. If you work for a mical company, the custom data could be inpatient appointments.

Each custom profile has its own data structure, and just like contact attributes , you can customize custom profile attributes to define and capture detail information. For example, if you have an online learning platform and want to track students’ courses, you can create a custom profile call Courses and add attributes such as Course Name , Course Start Date , Course End Date , Course Timetable , Course Instructor , and Course prices . Then, you can create a record to store all course information, for example, Python programming course , starting in June and ending in December , classes are held every Wnesday from 5-7 pm , the instructor is Jane , and the price is $120 .


Best of all, you can connect contacts with custom data. For example, when a student is enroll in both a Python programming course and a Javascript programming course , you can connect his or her contact information to both course records. Next to SleekFlow’s chat room, you can see an overview of all the courses she has participat in.


Quick review: Custom data is a unique data entity. Custom data attributes represent segment information of a data entity, and custom data records are individual data entries. Data correlation refers to connecting contacts with relat custom data records.

Type of custom data
The flexibility of custom profiles is that you can create a custom profile for anything relevant to your business and customize the attributes to define the information you want to capture. In addition, you can connect contacts to single or multiple custom data records.

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Many businesses ne to create their own custom profiles , most of which include events, bookings, payments, contracts, memberships, orders, courses, offers and company accounts. Knowing this, we’ve creat default templates for these options, or you can create new ones from scratch in Settings . Once you have creat your custom profile , you can create records on the data page.

How does custom data work?

1. Automatically collect and update contact data through chat
Custom profiles allow businesses to operate around customer conversations. Many businesses already use WhatsApp chatbots to generate leads, facilitate bookings, collect applications, and more.

Previously, you had to automatically store the information collect by the chatbot as a contact attribute . While the contact attribute is convenient to use, it doesn’t provide enough insight into customer behavior, especially if the customer interacts with you frequently.

Without custom data, you must create multiple contact attributes to save all historical data. The latest data often automatically overwrites the old data, causing the loss of past data. As a result, specialists cannot fully understand their past customer journeys when chatting with customers. .

Now you can link this non-person data to your contacts as separate custom data records . Best of all, you can automate the entire process, increasing efficiency and accuracy.


For example, if you run a custom furniture company, you can create a custom profile call Quotes in SleekFlow to store your customers’ quote requests and use a WhatsApp chatbot to streamline the data collection process. The automat process can proce as follows:

Add a “Request a Quote” button to your website and direct visitors to WhatsApp to start a conversation.

Use Flow Builder to create automat chat flows, asking questions to gather information beforehand, e.g.

Size quote , design quote and cost range quote .

During each action of sending a message , save their responses as variables within the workflow .

Finally, add the ” Create Custom Data Record ” action at the end of the process and match all variables in the workflow with the custom data attributes . In this way, you automatically create a new quote record.

Custom Object Webinar

Learn how to get start with custom data

Sign up for a free webinar and submit your use case. SleekFlow’s professional team will answer select use cases at the webinar to explain how the custom data function can automate your daily data management processes.

Managing contacts and data separately helps preserve data integrity and makes data updates and history tracking easier. This is because a contact can be connect to multiple records at the same time . For example, John submits a quote request for two sofas and a table; after receiving the quotes, he decides to purchase only the sofa. At this point, you can mark the quote status for the table as reject and the quote status for the couch as accept , ensuring that your team continues to pay attention to the quote request for the couch.

With custom data, each record can be updat independently without affecting the contact’s data, and vice versa. You can also quickly view all past records with your contacts to understand their interests at different times.

2. Expand automat marketing campaigns and workflows trigger by data
Suppose you are running an online real estate business and regularly hold investment seminars on the European real estate market to generate potential clients. You can create a custom profile for your event and set attributes such as event name , event date and time , event guest count , event attendance status , and event lead status . Then, use the WhatsApp chatbot to automatically track the list of applicants and attendees:

Use the “confirm attendance” keyword to trigger a new automat chat marketing list process. Add the ” Update Custom Data Record ” action, select ” Update Latest Record “, then select the event attendance status custom attribute and update it to “Attend”.

Let’s say a new villa project is about to launch in the UK. You can easily set up a marketing campaign to continuously nurture contacts who have attend relevant seminars:

Create a chat flow that uses

The custom data record creat for the event as a trigger. Set the conditions for entering the process, including event name , containing UK and event attendance status as attend , to ensure that only relevant contacts are import into the process.

Create a customer nurturing process with a series of messaging actions and time delays to introduce properties at different stages, share market insights, and invite them to viewings at custom intervals.

For any automat marketing campaigns trigger by custom data records , you can create personaliz messages bas on that trigger data. When sending a message, simply place custom data attributes as variables.

If a customer has book a showing, you can update their active lead status to hot . Add this import condition to your process to stop these hot customers from receiving marketing messages. Instead, they they used their branded report template can move on to the next level of marketing, including viewing details, financial planning, investment potential and guidance on the home buying process.

Without custom data , you might store “Customer Interest Products” in the contact attribute . If potential customers are interest in multiple listings, updating and adjusting manually can be difficult.

For more strategies on automating marketing campaigns, check out our upcoming blog (coming soon), which includes 10 real-life examples of how custom data capabilities can be us across marketing, sales, and customer support.


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