Most Revolutionary Experience in This

 These aspects are found together when one submits to the torture inflict by this transportation service. Let’s see. It’s a Monday (but it could be any day of the week), around six in the evening (but it could be almost any time of the day). The buses parade before our noses. We are about thirty people: still (the number increases every minute perhaps in geometric progression). Most of us wait anxiously for a bus to park on the platform to head home, to work or wherever we have decid to go.

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 The minutes pass and it is not that buses are not seen, but that they do not stop to pick us up. In a period of ten minutes, four buses on the route that should take us to our destination pass in front of us, empty. The drivers, some undaunt, others with business email list an expression that seems to denote twist satisfaction, walk away. The thing doesn’t seem to be with them. And it probably isn’t. They are a simple instrument, small cogs, of the enormous transportation system to which they must dicate their efforts for a salary that is probably below the regional average.

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 The people waiting continue to multiply; A handful of people transforms into a crowd in a few minutes. You breathe the heavy air of mortification. Why aren’t we allow to board the buses? Aren’t they suppos to pick us up? Let’s try to find answers. This irrational, absurd Phone Number AU attitude – look at from the passenger’s perspective – perhaps responds to a cold and implacable logic of cost-benefit: fewer active buses and more passengers transport like cattle on a single bus means less fuel and, therefore, a higher profit margin.

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