Twitter is becoming more robust. Facebook’s features are excessive to most users. And simplicity trumps. 4) Application Platform Facebook has treated the platform as a proper product with developer relations (although often with challenges) viral distribution of the newsfeed. And developer ecosystem relationships. The application features are designed for third parties to quickly integrate using tabs. Over the past 12 months. Facebook has aggressively changed their strategy to encourage developers to spread the . Therefore, APIs to third party sites (vs only embedded on profile pages).
Facebook’s colonies
To the open web. This loose strategy has been adhoc with simple APIs without formal development initiative with no hooks to integrate apps into Twitter. In fact, Twitter only recently hosted their own developer Finland WhatsApp Number List conference this year. The relationship between Twitter and the developer community remains torrid, as they buy or build features from the developer community. For example. The latest release today. Threatens the functionality of many existing clients. Our call?
FB is focused on a land grab for third party real estate. Twitter appears to be cannibalizing their own B2C developer ecosystem. 5) Multi Media Integration Media, such as video, is loaded and embedded right in the stream, as Korea Email List well as in stream playing. Third parties that inject media into the stream will embed into the service at will. Twitter’s new media features . In conclusion, requires users to click and open separate screen –although embedded media plays in panel. A business dev relationship must be established for media to be detected from target.