Start with Them twitter turns 13 in 2019, celebrating the value of its audience. Since the “superpower” of the platform resides there, therefore, #StartwithThem . Their long-term approach has allowed them to achieve profits for the first time in 2018, with a growth of 24%. For this reason. We went to their offices to tell us about the differential value of Twitter for brands and their plans for this year, with the presence of Jaime Pelegrí. Director of Business Development; and Nacho Mendiboure , Marketing Manager of Twitter Spain. In 2019, they aim to continue growing at the same level, thanks to improved product features and better advertising relevance.
Start with Them
The company has decided to focus on its audience , with a unique and differential value proposition with receptive. Open and willing users to be inspired and share Russia Email List information about its products and brands. Twitter audience According to the ‘News, Discovery & Influence’ study by Twitter Spain, Spanish users are open to discovering brand messages on Twitter. In fact, 74% of social network users like to give their opinion on things about which they are informed or interested, influencing 60% of the purchases of friends and family. In addition, 73% of users publish opinions about products, services or brands on Twitter; and 82% look on Twitter for opinions about what they want to buy. On the other hand, DAU is growing at 9% and engagement is growing at a rate of 33% .
When launching something new
You have to connect with what is happening. Jaime Pelegrí, Director of Business Development, explained that, when launching new products , the use of Twitter Canada Email List achieves 33% more Awareness . Thus, the product launch phases focus on anticipating, revealing and maintaining.Twitter audience As an example, with #FinanzasXaFollowers , thanks to Twitter, La Caixa has managed to make more and more young people aware of the brand, with advice within the financial area to help educate them on certain concepts of today’s banking reality. Another example of success on Twitter was Nike ‘s campaign with Kaepernick , with the brand’s online sales increasing by 31%.