Mailbox formats

In the practice of mailboxing we can find countless types of brochures. As many as our creativity when developing the campaign allows us to generate. In many cases, the format of the brochures has more to do with the type of mailing that is carried out than with the creation of the piece itself. Although we must always take design into account, something we have already talked about on different occasions. If we focus on the different formats we can see how they affect the production of the pieces, and we can see what curious names they receive. In the previous installment we talked about sampling. Stopper, bagging, flyers, brochures and catalogues.

But the delivery

Direct mail goes much further , offering a series of formats with more than curious names such as poming or perching, and even the so-called felpuding . Poming and perching Indonesia Email List The term perching is already a common concept in the world of marketing and direct advertising . Its name refers to the promotional material that is posted . Normally these brochures have a hanger-shaped die to facilitate their position. When they are hung on a doorknob. The practice is called poming, which is nothing more than an Anglo-Saxonization of the term “knob” . Many times we can find the concept perching referring to the use of stoppers. Since the piece is also hung, in this case from the opening of the mailbox.

Email Data

This is a less common

Format than brochure mailing , since it logically entails more conceptualization work. During the production process, die-cutting is usually necessary, which can Philippines Phone Number List increase the unit production cost significantly. However, it must be taken into account that the impact of this type of piece and the exclusivity in the support are much greater than when we talk about a classic flyer. Catalog or brochure, so we can expect more conversions and, therefore, a greater return of investment. Felpuding For a curious term among those related to direct advertising, we cannot forget the so-called felpuding .

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