However. If you decide to change computer and install a new photoshop and you ne the custom actions you creat . You ne to save the actions and. Consequently. Load them on the new computer. To save the actions you record in photoshop. Just go to the panel menu (the hamburger) and click ” save actions “; as you will notice photoshop will automatically place you in the default folder app data/roaming/adobe/adobe photoshop/presets/actions you can also clearly choose another destination if you ne to pass the file to a colleague on a usb key or on a cloud drive.
Actions are us to avoid having
Save photoshop actions the photoshop action africa email list is sav in atn format . A very lightweight format containing instructions to perform the action. To load a photoshop action sav in atn format. Simply go to the action panel menu (the hamburger) and choose load action . Navigate to the destination where you previously sav the action and that’s it. Load photoshop actionshowever. We strongly recommend that you place the photoshop action files in the default folder. So that loading them is faster and the process is more orderly and automatic. How do you use photoshop actions? Actions are us to avoid having to do the same steps every time in adobe photoshop; this leads to a significant saving of time and an incr ible increase in efficiency on the work and creative front.
The file you will work on must be a file
To use photoshop actions you ne to create Phone Number AU a set and record the steps you would normally take in your work on a file. However. The file you will work on must be a file that is representative of the files you usually work on. (read the paragraphs above to understand better) but let’s take an example of a photoshop action that can be useful to you and see the many options available that adobe provides you with. Imagine you want to increase the sharpness of your photos using the “unsharp mask” filter.