Liveworld’s Livebar (unless they both integrate Facebook FB API). Disclosure: Liveworld is a client Now as every page can be social, there is no reason for consumers to make buying mistakes –their friends opinions are always there, diminishing power of marketers. A partnership with Microsoft that allows Microsoft office docs to now be social with your Facebook friend This can extend collaboration with your friends to the office environment Unsure if this use case makes sense.
Are your friends
Those you want to collaborate with? This is a direct threat to Google Docs Facebook and Microsoft are in bed, to team up against Google. Expect advertising based on social context to appear soon. “Presence” Location based data USA Student Phone Number List Facebook handed out in every attendees page an RFID tag that allows you to swipe it at kiosks to indicate your locations, see mine. Although experimental expect this to extend to location base applications, eventually tying into credit cards, and mobile devices Location based social networks like Yelp, Gowalla.
MyTown, Foursquare
Twitter already allow people to do this the difference? API An open protocol that’s designed to aggregate all social activities from your friend back to Facebook This makes Facebook a social inbox, regardless of the service: Pandora, Yelp, your Taiwan Phone Number List corporate site Email providers like Gmail/Buzz, Microsoft Windows Live, Yahoo, and AOL all want to be those destinations, now competing with 500mm users in FB Facebook wants to be the starting point for your world –the new email inbox. If they turn on advanced search tools, this can threaten Social Plugins.