Talked to as many as I could. In my quest for ABR (always be researching), the Three Web Strategy Spheres, I had a day to focus in on the technology sphere (the bleeding edge of it) to connect with a handful of the 200 emerging garage startups at Techcrunch Disrupt yesterday. Trends: Emerging Startups Show Innovation –Despite Most Will Fail: It’s been fun attending the Techcrunch events emerge from Michael’s backyard in 2006 to the now international events where thousands descend, here’s the high level trends: The air smelled like “opportunity”. with many entrepreneurs.
Filled with passion
Bring forth their projects, some who travelled from around the world (there was even an Israeli row) to share their work. It smelled like geek. What’s that? A bit of bad breath, body odor, within this male dominated scene. There was Portugal Phone Number List marketing everywhere, even in the urinal. From street teams, phamplets handouts, ninjas, and other circus acts, the one that stood out was how one startup Fee Fighters put branded screen urinals with their logo and saying something like “you’re pissing away money”. Focus on products –not booth babes. Unlike a recent enterprise IT conference I went to, there were.
Few scantily clad models
At booths, the focus was on the products –not eye candy. This was refreshing. PR Opportunity: Their positioning from startups needs lots of help. I strolled down the aisle with one VC friend of the 200 startups, we noticed they Sweden Phone Number List had ridiculous company names missing vowels and cutesy logos. The biggest set back, is the lack of positioning or even tag lines. A majority of the banners lacked a descriptor of what the company did. This is a big opportunity for PR firms to assist this early market. Lots of companies doing the same thing. I saw many startups that did the same thing, with just a slight variation.