Expect that your friends that have been here, will digitally indicate which clothes are right for you. Expect digital displays to recommend what’s best for you based on what your friends ‘like’ (see how Levi’s is doing it on the web) then spread to in store. While far fetched, see this video of how Cisco expects to improve the buying experience. What about the risks? Expect privacy to be less important to millennials who don’t mind sharing their experience with others, and early prototypes to show customized content –without revealing a person’s full identity on an in-store screen.
Get Ready as Digital Displays
Represent Consumers: Yet with all of these changes coming in the future, I advise you to start here: To Do: Start With Your Website If you’re a retailer or chain restaurant, start experimenting now with how social can create a new Chinese UK Phone Number List experience on your website. See the case study on Levi’s as well as a detailed matrix of the different ways to integrate social on your site. Experimentation will take time, so start with a more controllable web experience before cascading to the real world. To Watch: Mobile Devices and Location Based Services: Watch innovation happen with digital displays.
Microsoft Surface, Razorfish
Cisco’s “Future of shopping” video, have all made early moves to demonstrate their experiments on this space. Before spreading to in-store digital displays, see how mobile social networks like FourSquare, GoWalla, and Facebook play Latvia Phone Number List to this space. See how Bing’s recent announcement on social shopping will become that ‘glue’ between web and the real world. To Plan: Our Pragmatic Research Report: The Altimeter Group’s Michael Gartenberg (mobile and device expert) and myself (social and customer) will be publishing a report on this topic in the near future.