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Billion people across the world use social mia. And in . The number of social mia users increas by  ad spending on social mia it more than  billion in . In . Ad spending on social mia is project to reach more than  billion. Social video advertising is expect to reach . Billion in . There was a  increase in social spending in q  compare with q . Social mia account for  of all digital advertising spending in . Social mia advertising is the second biggest market in digital ads. The u.s. Is the largest social mia ad market in the world. Overall. User trust in social mia platforms declin in . The cpm of social mia advertising in the third quarter of  was . Usd.

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By the end of the volume of social mia ad impressions was more than  higher than the previous year. The social mia ad click-through rate worldwide is in social main video ad spending grew by . To . Billion. Us social network video ad spending. – dig deeper into social mia advertising here. Or delve into even more social mia statistics here. Instagram ad statistics as the eighth most-visit website in the world. The fourth most popular social mia platform in the world.

 And the number-one most-download business lead app in the world. Instagram has some obvious appeal. But before you kick off your instagram ad campaign. Get familiar with the demographics and market potential. Instagram’s ad revenue is print to be . Billion in . For comparison. Facebook’s.

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Billion us social network ad revenue growth by company – instagram ads’ cpm increase by  in q . In the last two years. They increase by marketer prints instagram’s ad revenue will grow . This year while facebook’s falls by   of instagram’s advertising audience is ag  to . Making it the perfect avenue for advertisers looking to reach a gen z or millennial audience. 

Instagram advertising audience profile Phone Number AU less than  of instagram’s advertising audience is over . So if you’re looking to reach boomers. This may not be the best platform for you. Instagram’s advertising audience is slightly more skew towards male users than female users. With . Of the advertising audience identifying as male. Instagram ads can reach  of the population ag in turkey. 

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