Gleaned input from 34 vendors, agencies, and experts, to determine success criteria and develop a roadmap for Facebook page best practices. We found Eight Success Criteria for Facebook page marketing, and then tested the maturity of 30 top brands across six industries. Our heuristic evaluation revealed that brands fell short nearly half of the brands we reviewed (14 out of 30) did not fully leveraged social features to activate word of mouth, the hallmark behavior of social networks. Within this immature landscape, a few brands were on the right track.
To successfully
Harnessing Facebook page marketing. Brands like Pampers. Macy’s, Kohl’s, and AXE increased engagement and activated word of mouth through advocacy and peer-to-peer interactions. Solicited business call to actions Ukraine WhatsApp Number List that result in transactions. The 8 Success Criteria For Facebook Page Marketing View more documents from Jeremiah Owyang. How should brands approach their Facebook page marketing? We asked the experts. Research means digging in deeper to find the truth. And we know our place in the ecosystem is to work with others. As a result, we had a call for submissions.
We received input from 34 vendors
Agencies, brands, and individual experts. We read blog posts, looked at examples, and reviewed case studies. 360i, AKQA, Awareness, The Community Roundtable, Context Optional, Digital Evolution Group, Edelman Digital UAE Phone Number List Facebook, Gigya, Horn Group, Inside Facebook, Janrain, KickApps, Lithium, LiveWorld, Ogilvy’s 360° Digital Influence, Razorfish, RockYou, SHIFT Communications, Spredfast, StepChange Group, a Powered Company, Vitrue and Wildfire Interactive. We also received input from individual contributors such as: David Armano, David Berkowitz, Bert DuMars, Charlene Li, Dave McClure, Annie Noll, Shiv Singh, Adam Smith, Justin Smith, Jason Sullivan.